Ward & Co - Perth
fiat justitia
EST 1990

Welcome to Ward & Co Perth Court Lawyers website

Ward & Co is a Scottish law firm founded in 1990 specialising in Court and Tribunal matters.

Based in Perth, our lawyers represent clients throughout Scotland. In particular we offer advice and representation to suspects and accused persons at any stage of criminal proceedings.

As a specialist Court Practice, we conduct proceedings in all JP, Sheriff and High Courts, the Appeal Court and Tribunals in Scotland.

For those who are suspected, detained or arrested for an alleged offence, our lawyers are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on a dedicated helpline 01738 638461

Ward & Co
13 George Street
LP 4 / DX PE 33 Perth

Telephone – 01738 638461
Fax – 01738 630860

Perth Lawyers


John M. Ward
David R. Holmes
Susan E. Richmond
Alan R. Davie
